A bouquet of roses

I was at the exam hall, proctoring the final exam, when my colleagues sms-ed me to come to my office. Urgent, they said. But of course, i cannot leave the exam hall. Another colleague sms-ed telling me that my hubby sent me a gift. I was very excited but still i cannot leave the exam hall.

After the exam, i went back to my office and was very thrilled to see a bouquet of roses of my seat. It really put me on cloud nine. Thank you darling for the sweet roses.


  1. WiraBiru said...
    You are most welcome. We may have our ups and downs but we managed to pull ourselves thru. May our marriage last forever.
    noniey said...
    happy anniversary kak azah...
    azah said...
    Thanks noniey
    Liza Azahar said...
    happy anniversary to both of you

    With love
    Abang Mikail & K.Liza
    hidayah said...
    wah... bestnyaaaa dapat mungeee... hehe.. happy anniversary ye kak azah..
    Intan Noorazlina said...
    aritu tak sempat nak say happy anniversary to you... sedar2 exam dah abis... anyway, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY... bestnye dapat bunga...
    zahryanie said...
    yanie smpai2 je kat ofis k.azah, yanie nmpak bunga tu....wahhh!!!! suker giler kalo dapat...hehehe...hepi anniversary :)
    azah said...
    Thanx for all the wishes....

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