ESQ Training

Salam to all.
I’ve just came back from a 3-day training relating to ESQ. Encik Kamal, if you are reading this, ESQ means Emotional and Spiritual Quotions. I can tell you what the training is all about but how I felt……it’s beyond words. You just have to attend the training in order to feel it. It's worth the fees that MY SISTER paid for me (sponsored by my sis). Thank you sis. May ALLAH bless you.

From my heart, I really think that this training gave a great impact to me… I feel about myself…..who am i? Where I’m going? What have I done in life? And it also gave me answers to so many questions that have not been answered before.

We have been taught so many things about Tauhid, Fardu ‘Ain and etc, by our parents, or in school and tazkirah or ceramah agama…..yes, we know the basics…..but how far have we practice the Ad-Din? Ya Allah, jahilnya hambamu ini.

Frankly speaking, as long as I lived, only a few times I cried during my doa. However, the tears were not because of my fear to Allah but because of frustrations, sad ….. but not because of keinsafan…..Astaghfiruillahal ‘azhim. For the first time in my life, during the training sessions, free flow of tears came out from my eyes and my heart……feeling of fear to Allah, syukur and love to you Allah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim.

Basically, the training is about knowing ourself, knowing who our Creators is and soul cleansing. Alhamdulillah, for those who get His hidayah. There are many trainings out there similar to this. But the method used by this ESQ team is different. They are using Al-Quran as their reference. They discussed the 6 Rukun Iman and 5 Rukun Islam and how “Dunia” and “Akhirat” should be balanced. And IQ, EQ and SQ should NOT be separated. They should be combined to produce the best result in whatever we do.

Puan Anisa asked me, who should attend this training? I feel that everybody should attend this training. CEO? Pengarah? HOD? Lecturer? Staff? Student? Dato’? Ustaz or Ustazah? No matter who you are, you should attend this course. With His hidayah……we will all have a better life. Insya Allah.


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