Our college is closed for 7 days starting today due to H1N1. Somehow, this eperdemic gives me a creep. I was not so worried when there were SARS cases but H1N1....really bothers me. Worried about my parents and my children. I pray that the virus will not get to any of us.
My delemma is that.....should i stay home all the time? The children will still have to go to school and i have to send them and fetch them from school. I guess, i just have to do what i have to do, huh. Will try to stay home as much as i can.
To all, take care. Be sure to keep ourselves clean and healthy. Try to avoid crowded places but if you have to go to that kind of places, do wear a mask and take a bath immediately you get home.
It's gonna be a very, very busy busy week end (this weekend that is). The college is having a program called OPKIM (don't really know what it stands for) but it has something to the with "Khidmat Masyarakat" at Kg. Ubai. And i'm one of the committee member to ensure the opening and closing ceremony goes well as it involves a deputy minister.
The opening ceremony will be at 2.30 pm on Saturday and after that i will have to rush back home. I have enrolled myelf in a pingpong tournament and my first game will be at 8.00 pm that night.
Last week, i was invited by PUSPANITA PKNP to participate in a woodball tournament this Sunday. I told the lady who called me that i have never played woodball in my entire life. But she said someone will guide me and the rest of the team. Well, i guess i will participate with the intention to socialize with the PUSPANITA PKNP members.
And in the afternoon, got to go back to Kg. Ubai as the OPKIM program will go on until Tuesday.
Huh.....i am feeling tired already.
I was driving back home from my mom's place at about 10.30 pm just now. Stopped at Teluk Sisek traffic lights. While waiting for the traffic light to turn green, i saw a guy from a car infront of mine threw a cigarette box from inside his car. I was really annoyed. I honked at him and made sure he saw me pointing at the cigarette box he had thrown. But being uncivilised, he doesn't even care of what had happened and drove away when the light turned green.....
Grrr......very annoyed.
Opps....that was on the 21 April 2009. Not that i forgot but really, really have no time to update my blog.
My daughter, Iffah Izzati, is 9 years old. (Cepatnya besar.....huk huk huk). We celebrated her birthday earlier together with my niece Nina.
Kakak.....I hope you've enjoyed your birthday and may Allah bless you always. I love you.
My cousin, Fauziah bt Abdul Rahman (Kak Yah), passed away at 11.30 pm on the 25th April 2009. It was very sad indeed. She had a major stroke. Her BP count was at 250 when she was first brought in to Kuantan Specialist Hospital.
Arwah Kak Yah is a daughter of my Mak Long, Puan Hajjah Rahmah Hj. Musa and Allahyarham Abdul Rahman Talib (the former Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia). She is a little bit younger than my mother (not sure of her exact age, but my mother is 63 this year).
May Allah bless her soul. Al-fatihah.
Once i thought if i pour my heart out, people would understand me better. If you think some thing is right or wrong, just say it out.
But lately, i really feel that being outspoken is sometimes not good especially when whatever we say hurts other people's feelings.
So the best for me is to think before saying anything. Avoid saying things that might hurt other people's feelings.
"Allahummahdini Wa Saddidini"
16th April 2009. It's my niece's birthday. Nor Ainina bt Nazmi is 14 today. You're such a big girl now, Nina.
Still remembered the day Nina was born. Everybody was so excited as she is the first niece the family. She is my elder brother's first child. Very cute and lovely baby. And now she's 14.....cepatnya besar.
Nina is a clever girl with strong character. Very independent but very manja, especially her Babah. Ok Nina, i wish you the happiest birthday ever. Just remember, the older you get, there will be more responsibilities to carry. So Nina, behave your self and be a good girl. Stay sweet and don't go and break the young boys heart.
Love you.
P/S: Nina, i got this photo from your blog. I have non in my computer. So be it, huh.
Boy! i was really tired yesterday. Could hardly read a bed time story for my youngest daughter as i was very very sleepy. Slept early last night. My back and my knees were aching. And today i had a cramp while i was teaching in my afternoon class.
Are those signs of stress? I guess so. With so date lines coming and the final exams are just around the corner.....wow.....i can hardly find time to eat. Skipped lunch today but i ate some keropok later.
Sometimes i think i am working harder than my students. Sometimes i do feel tired in dealing with all sorts of students problems......absenteeism, attitudes, and other problems relating to them. But at the end of the day, when i see them scoring or at least pass the exams, i felt much better. I felt even much better / satisfied when my students graduated and get good jobs.
Teaching is not about wanting students to only score for the exams but also to develop their characters and attitudes, so that they can survive in the future. Yes, i blabbered a lot (reduced that this semester), some times ignored certain students in a class (but get back to them later).....my intention was not to discourage them but to give them some picture of what's going to happen in the future. That what teachers do and students will have to realise that teachers are there only to guide them and its them who should decide their future.
I love this job. To me, its not just a job but a responsibility to "bangsa dan agama". I believe that as long as i am sincere in doing my job, and i'm doing it because of Allah, He will assist me along the way, InsyaAllah. So that's why i became a lecturer and still am a lecturer until now.
Alhamdulillah....found this story while i was browsing the net. Got this from from ustaz azhar's web site at http://ustazazhar.com/v1/sirah/kisah-siti-fatimah-r.-a.html.
This story is dedicated to all wives out there who has no maid at home. May Allah bless all of you.
Kisah Siti Fatimah r. a.
Gembira hatinya, gembiralah Rasulullah s. a. w. Tertitis air matanya, berdukalah baginda. Dialah satu-satunya puteri yang paling dikasihi oleh junjungan Rasul selepas kewafatan isterinya yang paling dicintai, Siti Khadijah. Itulah Siti Fatimah r. a., wanita terkemuka di dunia dan penghuni syurga di akhirat.
Bersuamikan Sayyidina Ali bukanlah satu kebanggaan yang menjanjikan kekayaan harta. Ini adalah kerana Sayyidina Ali yang merupakan salah seorang daripada empat sahabat yang sangat rapat dengan Rasulullah s. a. w., merupakan kalangan sahabat yang sangat miskin berbanding dengan yang lain.
Namun jauh di sanubari Rasulullah s. a. w. tersimpan perasaan kasih dan sayang yang sangat mendalam terhadapnya. Rasulullah s. a. w. pernah bersabda kepada Sayyidina Ali,"Fatimah lebih kucintai daripada engkau, namun dalam pandanganku engkau lebih mulia daripada dia."(Riwayat Abu Hurairah)
Wanita pilihan untuk lelaki pilihan. Fatimah mewarisi akhlak ibunya Siti Khadijah. Tidak pernah membebani dan menyakiti suami dengan kata- kata atau sikap. Sentiasa senyum menyambut kepulangan suami hingga hilang separuh masalah suaminya. Dengan mas kahwin hanya 400 dirham hasil jualan baju perang kepada Sayyidina Usman Ibnu Affan itulah dia memulakan penghidupan dengan wanita yang sangat dimuliakan Allah di dunia dan di Akhirat.
Bukan Sayyidina Ali tidak mahu menyediakan seorang pembantu untuk isterinya tetapi sememangnya beliau tidak mampu berbuat demikian. Meskipun beliau cukup tahu isterinya saban hari bertungkus-lumus menguruskan anak-anak, memasak, membasuh dan menggiling tepung, dan yang lebih memenatkan lagi bila terpaksa mengandar air berbatu-batu jauhnya sehingga kelihatan tanda di bahu kiri dan kanannya.
Suami mana yang tidak sayangkan isteri. Ada ketikanya bila Sayyidina Ali berada di rumah, beliau akan turut sama menyinsing lengan membantu Siti Fatimah menggiling tepung di dapur. "Terima kasih suamiku," bisik Fatimah pada suaminya. Usaha sekecil itu, di celah-celah kesibukan sudah cukup berkesan dalam membelai perasaan seorang isteri.
Suatu hari, Rasulullah s. a. w. masuk ke rumah anaknya. Didapati puterinya yang berpakaian kasar itu sedang mengisar biji-biji gandum dalam linangan air mata. Fatimah segera mengesat air matanya tatkala menyedari kehadiran ayahanda kesayangannya itu. Lalu ditanya oleh baginda, "Wahai buah hatiku, apakah yang engkau tangiskan itu? Semoga Allah menggembirakanmu." Dalam nada sayu Fatimah berkata, "Wahai ayahanda, sesungguhnya anakmu ini terlalu penat kerana terpaksa mengisar gandum dan menguruskan segala urusan rumah seorang diri. Wahai ayahanda, kiranya tidak keberatan bolehkah ayahanda meminta suamiku menyediakan seorang pembantu untukku?" Baginda tersenyum seraya bangun mendapatkan kisaran tepung itu. Dengan lafaz Bismillah, Baginda meletakkan segenggam gandum ke dalam kisaran itu. Dengan izin Allah, maka berpusinglah kisaran itu dengan sendirinya. Hati Fatimah sangat terhibur dan merasa sangat gembira dengan hadiah istimewa dari ayahandanya itu. Habis semua gandumnya dikisar dan batu kisar itu tidak akan berhenti selagi tidak ada arahan untuk berhenti, sehinggalah Rasulullah s. a. w. menghentikannya.
Berkata Rasulullah s. a. w. dengan kata-kata yang masyhur, "Wahai Fatimah, Gunung Uhud pernah ditawarkan kepadaku untuk menjadi emas, namun ayahanda memilih untuk keluarga kita kesenangan di akhirat." Jelas, Baginda Rasul mahu mendidik puterinya bahawa kesusahan bukanlah penghalang untuk menjadi solehah. Ayahanda yang penyayang terus merenung puterinya dengan pandangan kasih sayang, "Puteriku, mahukah engkau kuajarkan sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada apa yang kau pinta itu?" "Tentu sekali ya Rasulullah," jawab Siti Fatimah kegirangan. Rasulullah s. a. w. bersabda, "Jibril telah mengajarku beberapa kalimah. Setiap kali selesai sembahyang, hendaklah membaca 'Subhanallah' sepuluh kali, Alhamdulillah' sepuluh kali dan 'Allahu Akbar' sepuluh kali. Kemudian ketika hendak tidur baca 'Subhanallah', 'Alhamdulillah' dan 'Allahu Akbar' ini sebanyak tiga puluh tiga kali."
Ternyata amalan itu telah memberi kesan kepada Siti Fatimah. Semua kerja rumah dapat dilaksanakan dengan mudah dan sempurna meskipun tanpa pembantu rumah. Itulah hadiah istimewa dari Allah buat hamba-hamba yang hatinya sentiasa mengingatiNya
Buat renungan semua: Orang yang berfikiran besar banyak memperkatakan ilmu Orang yang berfikiran sederhana banyak memperkatakan peristiwa Orang yang berfikiran rendah banyak memperkatakan manusia Orang yang berfikiran cetek banyak memperkatakan diri mereka
Nabi SAW bersabda, ada 4 perkara yang dipandang baik, tetapi 4 lagi dipandang lebih baik :
1. Sifat malu dari lelaki adalah baik, tetapi dari perempuan adalah lebih baik,
2. Adil dari setiap orang adalah baik, tetapi dari pemimpin adalah lebih baik,
3. Bertaubat dari orang tua adalah baik, tetapi dari orang muda adalah lebih baik,
4. Derma dan sedekah dari orang kaya adalah baik, tetapi dari orang fakir adalah lebih baik.
Demi Matahari
Album : Di Pintu Langit
Munsyid : Snada
Demi matahari dan sinarnya di pagi hari
Demi bulan apabila ia mengiringi
Demi siang hari bila menampakkan dirinya
Demi malam apabila ia menutupi
Demi langit beserta seluruh binaannya
Demi bumi serta yang ada di hamparannya
Demi jiwa dan seluruh penyempurnaannya
Allah, Subhanallah … Allah, Subhanallah
Allah, Subhanallah … Allah, Subahanallah
Allah mengilhamkan sukma kefasikan dan ketaqwaan
Beruntung bagi yang mensucikan-Nya
Merugi bagi yang mengotori-Nya ... Subhanallah
Cipt. : M. Lukman Nunasyim (Maroji : QS Asy-Syamsy)
Music Arr. : Ari Wibowo
Vocal Director : Erwin Yahya/Ikhsan Nur Ramadhan
Salam to all.
I’ve just came back from a 3-day training relating to ESQ. Encik Kamal, if you are reading this, ESQ means Emotional and Spiritual Quotions. I can tell you what the training is all about but how I felt……it’s beyond words. You just have to attend the training in order to feel it. It's worth the fees that MY SISTER paid for me (sponsored by my sis). Thank you sis. May ALLAH bless you.
From my heart, I really think that this training gave a great impact to me…..how I feel about myself…..who am i? Where I’m going? What have I done in life? And it also gave me answers to so many questions that have not been answered before.
We have been taught so many things about Tauhid, Fardu ‘Ain and etc, by our parents, or in school and tazkirah or ceramah agama…..yes, we know the basics…..but how far have we practice the Ad-Din? Ya Allah, jahilnya hambamu ini.
Frankly speaking, as long as I lived, only a few times I cried during my doa. However, the tears were not because of my fear to Allah but because of frustrations, sad ….. but not because of keinsafan…..Astaghfiruillahal ‘azhim. For the first time in my life, during the training sessions, free flow of tears came out from my eyes and my heart……feeling of fear to Allah, syukur and love to you Allah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim.
Basically, the training is about knowing ourself, knowing who our Creators is and soul cleansing. Alhamdulillah, for those who get His hidayah. There are many trainings out there similar to this. But the method used by this ESQ team is different. They are using Al-Quran as their reference. They discussed the 6 Rukun Iman and 5 Rukun Islam and how “Dunia” and “Akhirat” should be balanced. And IQ, EQ and SQ should NOT be separated. They should be combined to produce the best result in whatever we do.
Puan Anisa asked me, who should attend this training? I feel that everybody should attend this training. CEO? Pengarah? HOD? Lecturer? Staff? Student? Dato’? Ustaz or Ustazah? No matter who you are, you should attend this course. With His hidayah……we will all have a better life. Insya Allah.
I've just realised that my last posting was on 23 Nov. 2008. Just before the new semester resume. Very, very occupied with my work.
Just got back from PD last Sunday, attending the Final Exam Papers Moderation Workshop. That was the first time i really enjoyed myself attending the workshop. Not because of the workshop but the place where the workshop was held.
The workshop was held at The Ancasa Hotel & Resort in PD. I would say that the resort has a lot of good facilities inside and outside the resort.
The evening we arrived at the resort, me and Suhaniz went jogging at the beach and then went to gym. It's free...no charge. The next day we (me, Suhaniz, Asz, Yani and Nani) went for a banana boat ride. We really had a great time. Unfortunately, i didn't bring my camera along. But i'll try to get the photos from Asz later. It was thrilling especially when we were thrown off the boat.
The next day, played volleyball with Nida, Mudzir, Bob, Encik Museh, Shamsul Fozi and another lecturer from KL whom i don't know his name.
Basically, i enjoyed myself there.