My son, Rashdan

9 September, 2008. I was standing by my kitchen door watching my husband reciting doa in the car with my son Mahmood Rashdan. He was going to send Rashdan to school and today is Rashdan's first day of UPSR exam.

Suddenly i have tears in my eyes, realizing that my son is a big boy now. He's sitting for his UPSR now and next year he will be in form one. How time flies.

Rashdan is my first child. Still remember the day he was born, 30 January 1996 (10th Ramaddan) in Johor Bahru. Of my three children, he was the easiest to give birth to. And was very adorable.....still is to me.... Very, clever, talkative and loved by everybody in the family. He has grown now.

On the day i gave birth to my second baby, Izzati, he came to the hospital with my husband. I was still in the labour room (after giving birth) but i could hear him shouting excitedly, telling everybody, "Ini adik saya. Ini adik saya".

Then, his first day at school (standard one), i didn't give him any money as he didn't know how to buy at the canteen. I only gave him a bottle of plain water. He didn't complain. When i fetch him from school that afternoon, he was telling me about his first day at school. And he said this to me, "Mama, tadi masa rehat, Abang (that what he call himself) duduk kat kelas. Abang nak makan. Lepas tu abang pikir, abang pikir macam mana abang nak makan". I felt really guilty for not packing him any food. After that day i made sure that he had his breakfast before going to school and either pack him food or give him some money.

He was very nervous yesterday. He asked me, "What if i don't get good result for UPSR?". My reply to him was, "You don't have to be nervous. You have studied. Whatever results you get later should indicate your effort. How bad can it be?". We brought him to KFC last evening(he requested for it) for fast breaking, with the hope that it would calm him down.

This morning, he was very excited to go to school and i'm glad that he had overcome his nervousness.

He is a good kid and i doa that he will be a good person in the future.

"Mama doakan Adan berjaya dunia dan akhirat". I love you, Rashdan.


  1. hidayah said...
    Insya Allah, Rashdan akan score UPSR.. tersentuh plak baca citer kak azah..
    azah said...
    Hidayah...wait until your daughter is'll feel it more.

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